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I would like to share, the precious journey of my life. Hanya sebuah blog personal biasa. Sedikit coretan dan pandangan peribadi. Blog ini bukanlah blog untuk mencari info atau blog ilmiah. I just share my story with love and a big heart :)

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Daisypath Friendship tickers

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Yang Terindah Hanyalah Sementara - Luahan Hati

Assalammualaikum and Salam Sejahtera...

First of all, I would like to thank myself coz I managed to escape from the wicked.. Alhamdulillah.. Terima kasih ya Allah. Actually aku tak nampak pun perkara tu at the first sight. But suddenly, when this happened, zzuurrppp... it comes to my mind yang Allah memang nak selamatkan aku. Bersyukur tak terhingga aku akhirnya.

Okayla, aku cerita la jugak ape yang telah berlaku kepada aku seminggu yang lepas. It doesn't mean I want to blame the situation or what had happened. Individu yang terlibat pun tak aku salahkan 100%. Just a little thing to share. Hopefully it is useful for some people out there. Let's start this.

Sepanjang 2 bulan lepas.If i'm not mistaken it started on earlier in August, I accepted a friend request from a guy through my social network. He was my junior when i was in college. He is very kind and polite person - as i knew him previously la kan.

Huhu.. Actually i totally forget about him. Tapi aku cepat cam sebab agak rapat mase kat kolej dulu. Kebetulan aku rase baru je aku belek2 pic - mase aku facilitator kat kolej dlu.. Pic mamat nih ade sebab aku penah handle group die time Minggu Wawasan Siswa (orientasi). So, mmg sekali tgk profile pic die, aku cam la.

Nak dijadikan cerita, one pleasant night, aku takleh tido, aku online. He saw me and ask for a chat. And i'm like "Duhh why not? U're my x-collage mate and we were a good friend kan.." Excited la jugak sebenanye sebab member lame kan. I'm very comfortable with him and I just realize yang he is older than me. He told me so because i keep address myself as 'Akak' which is he doesn't like it. Surprisingly, he remembers that i'm younger than him.

Starting from that, kitorang keep in touch through handphone, whatssap, bbm, sms. Finally, when i was working last Saturday, he asked for out. But yang kelakar tu, die ajak jumpe tapi die takde kereta nak jemput aku. Aku suruh la die datang naik motor, kematu bontot katenye. Ehehehe.. Sudahnye, aku yang xcited lebih nih, terus setuju nak pegi jemput die kat rumahnye area Kajang sana. It's ok la for me kan. It's not a big deal la kan.. Nak plak dengan jumpe kawan lama. Dan yang buat aku nak pg sangat tu, aku tak pasti perasaan ape yang halus n membuak2 sangat nak aku pegi. Daripada aku penat rasa mcm tu, baik aku pegi je kan. :)

Aku pun dengan gigihnye menggoogle map la lokasi die tu. Aku siap study lagi.. Sepanjang hari tu aku mmg excited gile la. Entah la kenape wallahualam kan. So, lepas habis je keje aku pun takde la singgah mane2, terus direct pegi Kajang. Aku rase aku familiar ngan area umah die tu sebab ade member aku dok sane. Macam mane pun aku takmo la konfiden sangat kan sebab aku ni memang Ratu Sesat. ahahahha :))))

Alhamdulillah, perjalanan aku lancar dan aku tak sesat pun. Selamat aku sampai kat bawah apartment die tu tanpa sbarang guide daripada die. Die turun, aku suruh die drive. Kitorang pegi makan and mule la sesembang. Aku hepi sangat2 dpt jmpe die. Aku rase, boleh tengok la rupe aku yg excited tu daripada air muke aku time tu. Mesti muke aku berseri-seri giler hahahahaha. 

Then da abes makan, kononnye nak balik. Tapi aku rase macam sekejap sangat la pulak. die ajak naik rumah die sesembang kat atas. Errrrkkkk... Aku pun geleng je... Kate die adik die kuar. Lagi la aku taknak. Sorry ye... Sudahnye, Kitorang pun sambung la bersembang kat kedai makan kat bawah umah die tu. Memang kitorang kepala masuk la. We can talk about everything plus he is a good listener. Masa pun da time. esoknye aku pun keje lagi. Around 12.30 aku pun blah dengan hati yang berbunge2 gembira.  

End of Part 1...

Thank you sudi bace :)

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